In Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC), personalization strings are placeholders that dynamically insert subscriber-specific information into your email content or other marketing communications. These strings help you tailor your messages to each individual subscriber. Personalization strings are typically enclosed within double percentage signs (%%).
-All personalization strings are case-insensitive.
-Include the two sets of double percent symbols (two percent symbols on both sides of the personalization string).
-If you’re inserting a personalization string into a line with other data, include a space before and after the personalization string.
-If you insert a personalization string, and the subscriber attribute isn’t -populated, the string will appear blank in the email.
-Define a default value for every attribute you intend to use with a personalization string.
- -For example, use this string to include default attributes for First_Name: %%[IF Empty(First_Name) == “False” THEN SET @FN = First_Name ELSE SET @FN = “Customer” ENDIF]%%Hi %%=v(@FN)=%%
Subscriber Information:
%%_SubscriberKey%%: Inserts the subscriber key.
%%_EmailAddress%%: Inserts the subscriber’s email address.
%%_FirstName%%: Inserts the subscriber’s first name.
%%_LastName%%: Inserts the subscriber’s last name.
System Information:
%%_Date%%: Inserts the current date.
%%_Time%%: Inserts the current time.
%%_Now%%: Inserts the current date and time.
Email Information:
%%emailname_%%: Inserts the name of the email.
%%jobid%%: Inserts the job ID for the email send.
Subscriber Attributes:
%%Attribute Name%%: Inserts the value of a specific attribute for the subscriber. Replace “Attribute Name” with the name of the attribute.
Profile Center and Subscription Center:
%%profile_center_url%%: Inserts the URL for the subscriber’s profile center.
%%subscription_center_url%%: Inserts the URL for the subscriber’s subscription center.
Unsubscribe and View Online:
%%unsub_center_url%%: Inserts the URL for the unsubscribe center.
%%view_email_url%%: Inserts the URL for viewing the email online.
Dynamic Content:
%%[ContentBlockByKey(“ContentBlockKey”)]%%: Inserts the content of a specific content block. Replace “ContentBlockKey” with the key of the content block.
Remember to use the correct syntax and casing for personalization strings, and test your emails to ensure that the personalization works as expected. Personalization strings are processed at the time of the send, and the actual subscriber data is substituted when the email is delivered to each individual recipient.
#PersonalizationStrings #EmailPersonalization #DynamicContent #SFMCPersonalization #AMPScriptMagic